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Old 12-02-2022, 09:34 PM   #177
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by zeek View Post

For example, Witness Lee taught the existence of God. If someone rejects everything Witness Lee taught, they would become an unbeliever--an atheist. Is that what you’re advocating?
I actually do advocate to leave everything, all of it, associated with Witness, because I don’t believe that the God he represented was the God we find we in the Bible. Every religion claims that their god exist, but it is for everyone to test and find out if what they are saying matches what’s written. I do not find processed god on the pages of the Bible, nether do you find all inclusive jesus written anywhere. I also don’t find giving credit to some men who claimed to have received some private interpretation, that all should adhere to. I find it contrary to that. As a matter of fact, the sooner a person leaves everything associated with LC, and gets into the Word of God, the sooner the Holy Spirit can work on them to show all of the nonsense that was ingrained in them for years.

I know that there are people who say otherwise, and obviously you are one of those. So I say that dragging that albatross around your neck, is kind of like cleaning out your house and moving a pile of junk from one room to another, because you just can’t separate from it due to nostalgia, and some good memories, even though it’s worth nothing. Hate to say that way, but I believe that if someone is seeking true living God, then you will not find it in the Local church.

As a matter of fact, I just listened to the message by Ron K. which is on YouTube, called: “The Difference between the Lord’s Recovery and Christianity”. ( I can safely state, that not only the local church is a sect, but a counterfeit. I don’t know if you can pack anymore lies into one message that was done there, especially about how they treat all other Christians. I have been there, seen it for a lot of years. I have heard it in messages and in training. There is nothing there that will ever be useful for anyone! If there is a credit that I will give them, it will be this: I was in my early 20’s, young and dumb. Not equipped to know what is true and what is a total deception. They are masters of deception, real good, excellent wolfs in sheep’s clothing! I give them that credit, all they want! I learned my lesson, cost me a lot of things. But to give them credit for any spiritual help or actually leading people to God, is a big, fat NO! If anything, it set me back 15 years of my life! Thanks, but no thanks! Go find other fools like I was at that time, college and university students, but I will call spade a spade, I have nothing to lose!
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