Originally Posted by Trapped
I think the issue is that when someone is a false teacher, with an entire ministry that is characterized by unbiblical teachings that almost cannot go a chapter, if not a page, without twisting the Bible in some way, I am not compelled in the slightest to show humility towards that false teacher or to give him credit for the occasions when he wasn't lying through his teeth in order to control people.
As far as I'm concerned, everything Witness Lee taught should be thrown out. Just disregard it. It's insignificant and hopelessly leavened. No redeeming value. I feel no need at all to give him credit for anything.
If he happened to get Galatians 2:20 completely and totally right in the midst of the countless lives he wrecked, he gets no points for it. Thousands of others have gotten Galatians 2:20 right and didn't drive people to suicide as a side effect like Lee's stuff has.
Lee wasn't a good Christian man who fumbled around trying his best to exegete Scripture. He was an egomaniacal RV salesman who thought God chose him to be the ONLY ONE ON THE PLANET He would give revelations to. He lambasted anyone who disagreed and drove to ruins anyone who called him out. He doubled down on his lies and has irreversibly destroyed lives.
Lee gets no credit for the times he happened not to lie.
That's my issue at least.
Good evening. Okay--so, you advocate throwing out everything Witness Lee taught. Following your logic, Witness Lee taught that God existed, therefore, it should be thrown out. "Just disregard it." If one does that, one becomes an an atheist.
Bro.Ohio has often lamented that people after they leave the LC become atheists. Maybe it's because they didn't do the hard work of parsing truth from untruth in what they received in the local church. They threw out the baby (whatever kernals of truth they received in the local church) with the bathwater of "leaven" as you put it.
It seems to me, what must be done is to discern spiritual reality from unreality and that takes the grace of God. Jesus said "blessed are the poor in spirit". That's why I evoked a spirit of humility in proposing to undertake the task, which is, as I understand it, the mission of this forum.
As far as relevance to the topic of this thread, I think that is what the creator of the The Lord's Recovery Unchained videos is endeavoring to do. His basic assumption that members of the local churches ought to question the products of the Living Stream Ministry because the leading brothers admit that Lee was not infallible is a good one. If the "saints" in the LCs had been allowed to question Lee's ministry, perhaps the abuses could have been avoided. Maybe they still can for those who are participating in the LC now.