Originally Posted by zeek
Dear Unregistered,
It seems like most Christians, if they are even aware of Galatians 2:20, are content with the understanding that Paul believed that Christ lived in him. Whereas, in the local church we were encouraged to experience Christ ourselves.Was it a mistake to teach that? If not, then shouldn't we give credit where credit is due?
Why? Why do men need or seek credit for the revelation and work of the Holy Spirit? What do we have that we didn’t receive? “Experience Christ” according to the dictates of Nee, Lee, and a family owned publishing house and its franchise outlets called churches.
Jesus paid it all.
All to Him we owe.
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.
Yes. Give credit where credit is due…to the One who deserves it, earned it.
Note: Let’s get back on topic. Start a new one if you want to continue with this discussion.