Originally Posted by Trapped
Welcome to the forum (unless.....have you posted before?)!
As far as I'm concerned, this verse renders the thought that the fruit was the cause of the defilement of man impossible. The fruit, that which went in, would not defile man; it is what came out of man - the choice to disobey, the sinful action - that defiled him.
I scroll through the comments on that channel and other channels sometimes, and all I've seen on TLRU are things like "you don't know anything" or "you are taking out of context" or another which gave me a chuckle was the implication that a "negative" video actually would be evidence that Lee was a faithful minister. But they are all one-and-done comments - none of them provide any information to support their comment or consider that maybe they have it backwards. On another channel there actually was lots of back-and-forth discussion about what "life matters but truth matters more" means, but again, none of the LC people would face the implication of what they were espousing.
I have brought several LC-ers to the edge of darkness, where it turns to light, but they all get agitated and close up the conversation and run away, rather than step into the light. It's really something to witness. I know the Lord is arranging things and working in everyone, but it's hard for me to trust the Lord when His ways always feel like they are slower than I'd like for so many people!
Hi Trapped,
I have posted here before, although I’m not sure if the posts were made public, I don’t have an account to confirm, but it’s all good. I figured to check out the videos on the channel and just made some comments here about it. I just hope more people would be willing to seek the truth. One thing I’m sure of, is that it’s impossible to brake these chains, unless the person has a drive to examine and seek to grow up at some point. That comes from inside and when it does, then people are no longer willing to compromise, settle, and be ok with whatever they are fed. Before then, the pull that controls them in this movement, is pretty strong. We tend to think that God is taking his time or slow, but in reality, it’s not God who is slow, but it’s man who aren’t willing to give up and admit that what they got is nothing but a façade, empty cisterns and walking around the mountain for another year will not change the outcome.
Thank you.