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Old 11-23-2022, 09:48 PM   #3
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Default Re: Nee was the Master Mind of this, Lee was the Enabler of it.

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Howdy Guest! Just wondering how you left the recovery?
It’s been some time since I departed from the local church. I hate to say it, but it’s probably the most difficult and the most costly decision I have had to make in my life. I never envisioned my life to go this route, but nevertheless today I’m grateful for what I have left of it. It took several years to get me there, to this point where there wasn’t anything in this world that will stand in the way, family, children and all relationships. Business and livelihood, a place to live and the roof over your head. I wasn’t interested in anymore compromising and closing my eyes and looking the other way. I was just done, everything was squeezed out, drained and there was no more reason to be around, until God said otherwise. He took me out, and I’m just happy to be existing today, just going along and trusting Him whatever tomorrow brings.

Rejoice in the Lord, and refuse to give in! That’s what keeps me going each and every day. Pray for those that are totally disabled spiritually, and hope for God to change the landscape for the better. Every day is a test of your faith, and you ether stand strong and face the consequences of it, or you let your feelings and attachments dictate your life. Although it’s excruciatingly painful and sometimes even makes you question what’s happening, but it only takes a few minutes to look back and compare both situations and realize that the price is worth paying, no matter what. As I said in that message before, sometimes losing things that are near and dear to your everyday life, and something and someone that you gave have half your life to, is totally not a way to go for most people, and will look like you lost you mind, but I thank God for keeping me together and not wrecking everything including my faith in the Real, Living, Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and my Savior!

As I think of a Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, it’s very easy to say, “Lord, thanks for all of the blessings that brought me joy and happiness into my life, but it much more difficult to thank the Lord for all of the trials, the testing, the commitment to Him that sometimes hurts me to think about, or say it was more important that those good times!” May He be glorified in our worst situations, and our total dependence on what He will do for us daily, trusting Him blindly, even if you are shunned, abandoned, ignored, told that you are useless and really good for nothing. You are not part of the vision, or you never even was a part of it to begin with. You were faking it all alone, even though it almost cost you your life at the end. He knows our hearts, unlike these people who think or pretend that they do. I’m grateful for His grace and care, looking unto to Him!
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