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Old 11-21-2022, 07:41 PM   #8
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Default Re: LSM: To observe Christmas, its doubtful you’re a new creation

As we all know, ALL OF THE HOLIDAYS INCLUDING CHRISTMAS are dedicated for brainwashing sessions. All those sessions include the following:

1). Bashing all other Christians outside of the LC.
2). Raising the value of the “ministry” as a way of life.
3). Destroying any kind of family time and opportunity to have normal, healthy lives with the loved ones.
4). Make sure that you aware that you are slacking, falling away individual if you chose not to attend those demonic sessions.
5). Worship Lee and the current minions as some Gods chosen group of people AKA the Chosen “church”, making sure you never leave the plantation of the blind.

Thank God for freedom and liberty that we have in Christ, rather than chains over your neck and you family, that’s causes nothing but destruction and grief!
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