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Old 11-16-2022, 08:18 AM   #301
The Opposer
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Default Re: Nigel Tomes - LSM's Unorthodox Satanology

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I came to read this because of a YouTube video from The Lord's Recovery Unchained. My family has some kind dysfunctional issues because of this teaching. They used to call me "Get behind me, Satan" whenever we got into a fight.*
I have heard that said to me about a dozen times over the last year or so. I’m used to it, I know exactly when it’s going to come out, I know exactly what triggers this response. Let me translate that for you, so that you don’t get offended by such statement from the members, or your family:

“Please don’t dare to question me, my actions or what I’m saying. Don’t ever think you have a right to say anything when it comes to what and who I follow or ask me to provide some backing for what I believe! You just don’t get it! You are not in this vision! Also, don’t beat me with your Bible over my head, or what it’s says! I’m not interested! As a matter of fact, everything you just said is coming from down under, careful who you speaking for, I’m done with you, so get behind me satan!” (Conversation ended)

Sounds familiar?

When you touch the hidden, the real raw issues of the heart, you are the number one enemy, and will be condemned to be a subject of satan. Oh what depth and lengths people will go to hide their true objects of worship, even at the expense of their own family, loved ones, even their children!
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