Originally Posted by UntoHim
In general, it is not fair or advisable to take a few words from a lengthy quote, and then launch into a critique based upon those few words, but one is forced to make a rule out of what should be an exception when it comes to the ministry writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee.
Now if Nee had made the obvious/reasonable observation that "SOME human affection is empty", that would be one thing, but no, Watchman, as he was apt to do, had to frame everything in the extreme. In this one short quote, Nee used unnecessarily extreme/final terms such as "only God", "man cannot", "the failure of many" "only in God", "all human affection" "the love of God alone" "immediately falls".
In my experience and observation, when one resorts to framing things in the extreme, it usually indicates a lack of genuine experience and/or knowledge of the subject at hand.
True. It is as wrong to take one phrase someone said and try to make a case out it as it is to take one Bible verse, while forgetting all the others, and try to make a case out it.
My assertions were based not only on what Nee said here, but on how far the LR took them and Lee's similar claims. They were also based on ideas I heard over and over in the LR, about rejecting natural affection, which are in direct contradiction to Romans 1:31, and the ultimate fruit of all that.
The LR likes to say that "the truth is two-sided," yet so often when making their extreme claims they don't bother to balance them.