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Old 11-09-2022, 04:20 PM   #415
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

11/9/2022 Watchman Nee quote:

"All human affection is empty"

This is an example of Nee's (and Lee's) hyperbole and extremism. God created human affection. Affection for others, our friends, family, children, even our pets. This pleases him and is healthy. It is not the highest form of love, which is zoe, unconditional love. But it is a normal thing which can help facilitate the highest form of love, and something which God intended for us to experience and enjoy.

Paul wrote that degraded humanity would be "without natural affection." The word he used there was astorgos which means "unsociable, inhuman." It refers to the lack of natural, friendly affection in society and family.

The LR turned astorgos into a practice, saying you can't have friends, shouldn't show affection, that doing so was "honey love." This was absolutely a false teaching and is an example of how Nee and Lee's extremism led to practices that actually deny the normal humanity than God created.
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