Originally Posted by UntoHim
Oh, I don't know, I guess the one that had been accepted by the earliest of the church fathers and Christian community, going all the way back to the end of the 1st Century. If you study early Church history you would know that.
I have studied the history and there was no canon defined at the end of the first century. They used the LXX and relied on more NT writings than what is considered canon today.
If I can summarize your demands about what can or cannot be discussed on your forum:
1) the canon is the only authoritative source.
2) it is inerrant and infallible
3) The doctrine of the Trinity is the only viewpoint that can be discussed
I guess I need to thank you for this clear direction. As I have issues with all three statements, I have come to the conclusion that this forum is not for me.
You should probably delete my blog “Timotheist Exposed”, as it is all about exposing flaws in the four gospels. We can’t have visitors reading that material, can we. Continue to believe that Jesus was crucified on Friday, if that floats your boat.