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Old 10-28-2022, 02:24 PM   #32
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Default Re: Please Keep Benson Phillips and his Family in your Thoughts and Prayers

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
See, I read that account, and I don't get the warm fuzzies from it.

E.g., Benson stridently shouting that "love without Christ is nothing". I mean, I get it. Vanity of vanities, dust to dust and all that. But the Bible says a whole bunch of things WITHOUT LOVE are nothing. I don't see that it says "love without Christ is nothing".

Like Matthew 25, Jesus is saying (paraphrased) "if you give the least of the brothers something to eat, something to drink, invite a stranger in, clothe the unclothed, looked after the sick, and visited the imprisoned, you've done that for Me." No knocking of the physical things at all.

Also, telling people who are saying they've tried the gospel and it didn't work that they are "spewing lies from the devil"? Geez louise. Absolutely no awareness of the potential points of pain behind what those people were saying. Not saying that their interruption was okay, but Benson's response was also not okay.

There are just more of the many seeds of the local church dismissing all the good and positive things just because it's not "Christ". More "shut up or you are of the devil". This is very damaging. All I see is a dude who was problematic from the start.

People can say they receive "special calls from the Lord". Does it always mean they really did? Lots of evil leaders out there claim to have received special commissions from God.
Good thoughtful responses, Trapped.
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