Originally Posted by manna-man
I cherish God and his word for without it where would I be?
I do however question and test those who deliver it. If I learned one thing from the LR, it was how quickly something that was so good could turn so bad.
What amazed me the most was how a greater number of saints, had no issue accepting the ministry spin on leaders such as Bill Mallon and John Ingalls which both poured out their lives for the Lord and even us.
I have no doubt this type of activity is nothing new. It is a behavior we've seen woven throughout the scriptures a picture of a stiff necked people whom God chose to love and pour his life out for.
I believe we are responsible to discern/recognize behavior test all things and recieve accordingly...
Definitely agree with questioning and testing all “delivery systems.”
In the face of sexual scandals by the Lee Family, both Bill and John advocated for a return to the Word of God, and btw the same truth seeking and searching that brought blessing to the LC in the beginning. But things had really changed. The scriptures were now the danger WL feared most. WL had gone so far astray that he was regularly questioning the Bible, primarily Psalms, Proverbs, James, etc.
Both Bill and John et al needed to be discredited. “Rebellious, conspiratorial lepers” would do. Almost 20 years afterwards, a friend told me that Bill’s “return to the pure word was a tactic of the enemy.” Imagine that. The LC faithful now used “the ministry” to discredit the Word of God. That train had gone off the tracks.