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Old 10-26-2022, 12:29 PM   #78
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Infallibiliy of the Bible?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I think this thread was mistitled. In any event, I must stress that arguments surrounding the infallibility of the Scriptures are beyond the purview of this forum, and I'm sorry to say that I am inflexible about this.

I agree. Bad title. Very sorry. In my personal life the Word and the Holy Spirit are inseparable in knowing the Lord with the living and available One being a constant confirmation of His presence in my life and living.

As a former member of the LC, I was taught to know WLee's ministry and obey those who had inherited its execution after Lee's death. It became difficult to "survive" if you didn't know, follow and obey "the brothers". I found it impossible to stay out of trouble. Hence, instead, I had to learn there was a system and to remain I had to learn how to work that system. Eventually, I couldn't do it anymore.

Now, when I read the word, I've said this before, I talk to the Lord about what I'm reading and ask Him questions, or tell Him "I don't get it." "What is this talking about?" Amazingly, when I first "joined the LC" the sharing was actually from the "pure" word. It was so rich and real, we often sat for 2 hours on, on the edge of our seats, on Sunday morning...listening...two brothers shared. When one finished, the second one began where #1 left off. It was amazing. It was truth.

As a result when WLee went off the rails, the anointing of the Holy Spirit was gone. I compared this speaking I heard in the beginning to what I was hearing later on. Not even close. When you hear the truth, it's unmistakable. It never goes away. When you here a lie, that should be unmistakable too. How does that happen? The Holy Spirit.

I've never had a question as to whether God cares or not. I knew Him as a child and He seemed to always be with me. Always a presence. For a long time I didn't know this "presence" was Him, until he showed Himself to me. I realize that not all have my history. I think this is a good question to ask Him. "God how am I supposed to know that you care (about me)?" Ask questions. Tell Him what you think. If you're not sure about something you believe you've heard, talk with a trusted confidant. We need Him and we need each other.

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