Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
The last time I was at a LC meeting, that's how it was when various ones stood up to testify: "The Life Study said this or that" or "Brother Lee said this or that." One after another stood up and it was all the same - telling how great WL's words were. While it was actually good to at least hear from different members of the body, I didn't hear one independent thought come out in a testimony (for instance, "The Lord really showed me something wonderful from the word this week . . .")
Witness Lee consistently condemned "one man speaking" in the Denominations and Free Groups. And looking back it seems like for a time there may have actually been genuine testifying on the part of many independent voices in the LC meetings - and such speaking was truly celebrated. But over time the system of idol worship that Lee had covertly fostered found a way to justify construction of it's own version of "One Man Speaking" - recruit every loyal member to be a tape recorder of Lee's words and then play those words AND ONLY THOSE WORDS back in the meetings. What they brag about having now (and it no doubt fooled CRI quite well) is merely a bastardization of 1 Cor 14:26 "When you come together... each one has... Witness Lee's opinion!
The current LR is nothing more than an optical illusion which depends upon smoke and mirrors and willful blindness in order to exist.