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Old 10-24-2022, 08:40 AM   #63
Just Saying
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Default Re: Infallibiliy of the Bible?

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
Just saying,

Thanks for just saying. You're a trip! Please register and join in!


Hey Trapped,

I appreciate the invite, but I think I’ll stick to maybe couple times a month visits just to check and see the latest and the greatest from the local church. Plus, for people like me the shelf life on the forum like this is probably like 5 business days before I get 🤐🤐, hopefully I didn’t offend anyone there 😉. I just come and get updated once in a while, and it’s enough for couple weeks. I always wish there was more exposing of this movement going on here, rather that trying to introduce some other private interpretations on random topics, which I can find pretty much anywhere else. Maybe when that day comes, I’ll be more willing to jump in!

I’m not very positive to say the least to anything associated with this movement, so maybe getting a twitter account or telegram is a way to go, unless the locals have infiltrated those platforms. 🧐🫣 #DCP #Blended #Protectatallcosts.


For those who are always looking for something to get offended about, just consider this post as satire, 😊👍!
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