10-23-2022, 03:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 8,064
Re: Infallibiliy of the Bible?
Originally Posted by Zezima
The Bible as you most likely know it today has 66 books, wasn’t always so. There are a fair amount of written pieces (books, letters, gospels) that didn’t make it into canon. Canon is defined by a Church accepting that book. When Paul wrote his letter to Timothy, apart from parts of the Old Testament used by Jews, there was no official or formalized Bible like we have today. Letters were circulated during that time, churches may have had a few letters but they didn’t have a put together work.
Through different councils, it was decided what content to include in canon (what books the church would read aloud in liturgy). For example, the Catholic Church had an 80 book Bible for a while.
Anyways, my point is when Paul said that all scripture is God breathed, his idea of what was scripture or what he knew to be scripture looked very different than what we know it to be today.
Paul didn't even have the gospels, that were written and published anonymously after Paul.
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