Re: No Place Like Hell
Well what do ya know....
Borrowed from the thread:
"In the fullness of time!"
I believe this is pertinent to this thread. Fits like a glove...
Old 03-19-2020, 06:05 AM #17
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,812
The duty of this examination of spiritual things is strongly urged by the Apostle Paul, again and again. "He that is spiritual judgeth .. all things" (1 Cor. 2: 15).
The "spiritual" believer is to use his "judgment," ... showing how God Himself honours the intelligent personality of the man He re-creates in Christ, by inviting the "judging" and "examining" of His own workings by His Spirit; so that even "the things of the Spirit" are not to be received as of Him, without being examined, and "spiritually discerned" as of God.
When, therefore, it is said in connection with the supernatural, and abnormal manifestations of the present time, that it is not necessary, nor even according to the will of God, for believers to understand, or explain all the workings of God, it is out of accord with the Apostle's statement that, "he that is spiritual, judgeth all things," and consequently should reject all things which his spiritual judgment is unable to accept, until such a time as he is able to discern with clearness what are the things of God. JPL-War on the Saints, pp. 56-57.
Thank you Nell for that post and....
Hi Nell!