Originally Posted by Zezima
Lot's to be said about the above, which I'll leave the thread to discuss. The conflation of the Bible and the Life Studies is on incredible display here. The emphasis on a Ministry is equally on display.
Like a number of other groups and denominations, the LC is focused exclusively on just their own stuff. And with this app it will likely become more so. Sad. The last time I was at a LC meeting, that's how it was when various ones stood up to testify: "The Life Study said this or that" or "Brother Lee said this or that." One after another stood up and it was all the same - telling how great WL's words were. While it was actually good to at least hear from different members of the body, I didn't hear one independent thought come out in a testimony (for instance, "The Lord really showed me something wonderful from the word this week . . .")!
And when I spoke to a brother there afterwards, about something the Lord had taught me and I'd enjoyed while traveling around to various Christian groups, it was like his face became frozen solid. That's what intense exclusivity will do for you.