Originally Posted by Zezima
Luckily, the minister of the age was granted a vision that no one else saw. He was able to correctly interpret the Bible regardless of the hand-me-down translations over the years.
He also claimed that he was led by the spirit and it was the spirit that told him all of the corrections to the Bible he needed to make. The spirit also told him to write a whole lot of abominations throughout his writings about who God is, His purposes, His church. This spirit also led him to say and make up “truths” that contradict the Bible almost constantly in every book or chapter.
So I guess if I go by this thread here, or if there is even a single verse in the Bible, even half of verse (as “the oracle” used to like to poach half-verses to create a truth), then there isn’t such a thing that exists in this world as absolute truth, 100% accurate and pure. There is absolutely nothing a person can use to test the current winds of teaching and revelations against, as Bereans did to Paul when he was starting his ministry. It’s all up to YOU, or ME to see and feel how my spirit leads me.
Sounds like we should just all go back to the local church, and experience that “oneness” of spirit once again, since you know it’s all about it, and the people there sure know this spirit and will point everyone into a right direction. They sure were right when they say, “you are deceived if you leave the visions of recovery”. Maybe time to have a “come to Jesus moment”. I guess some of us can already admit that they are deceived, but some of us hardheaded goats still need to be dealt with.
Tags: Sarcasm, satire, 99.90% truth, all about I, “come back, we need you”!, how you feeling?, no offense, there is no true translation, I’m a candidate with no spirit, Be brave!