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Old 10-22-2022, 04:50 AM   #152
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Default Re: No Place Like Hell

Originally Posted by manna-man View Post

They say if the shoe fits wear it. I'd rather you be insulted than continue believing what you believe. I guess if anything we are both hard headed. If gods character don't need to be defended then what are you worried about? and why do we preach/share about his love?
We do not defend with our hands nor our wit.

"It's not by might nor power but by My Spirit saith The Lord."

If what you're saying is true we all should shut up, sit back and watch what happens.

So ...I quote a Universalist...So what. If what he is saying is true, it's truth.

Some here quote BroLee....
That don't make them so bad....

Some trust in Chariots...others Geek education. We trust in the name of our LORD our God.

Peace, Love and patience is a virtue...
I might add that I am not alone with this viewpoint. Many believe as I do. Including scholars of various degrees.
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