Originally Posted by Nell
Done. Confessed.
What do you call it when someone tells the forum you "indicted the book" when you "questioned" and "tested" one verse? What do you call that?
Asked and answered--twice.
I did start the thread (obviously) and chose to craft my comments based on one verse in the book of James. I get to do that.
I'll put my points in writing. You do the same.Your points are valid. Thank you, Zeek, for your comments on the ramifications of questioning even one verse in a book. I chose not to raise these points because I like to limit the scope of a post in favor of focusing attention more narrowly. I get to do that, too. It's a personal preference, a writing style that I think helps communication. Regardless, you raised the points for me...thanks again.
I had asked a couple of times about the veracity of James 2:24. Is it true? That was important to me, too, and a narrowing of the scope.
One motivation for starting this topic, is that God the Spirit IS INFALLIBLE, and the importance of knowing the infallible God.
We are told how the noble Bereans tested the scriptures, so we get to do that too.
Actually, I think that according to Acts the Bereans were testing the teachings of Paul by comparing them with the scriptures, not testing the scriptures themselves.
The notion that it's OK to test what the Bible says is new to this forum as far as I am aware. As I recall, in the past if people did that they were reprimanded, their posts were deleted, and they were expelled from this website if they persisted.
Is being allowed to test the Bible a special privledge that you have as moderator? Or, are you leading the way so that others can question or test the Bible too? Where do you draw the line?