Originally Posted by zeek
A trivial note: The title of Witness Lee's screed "The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion" strikes me funny. Given the context I think "fermentation" is a malapropism. "To ferment is to cause a chemical change to food or drink, like turning grapes into wine, but to foment is to stir up trouble, like turning a group of people into an angry mob." https://www.vocabulary.com/articles/...%20angry%20mob.
This always struck me as funny, too. I think the word he may have been looking for was
fo·men·ta·tion ˌfōmənˈtāSHən | noun
1 the action of instigating or stirring up undesirable sentiment or actions: the fomentation of discontent.
Maybe it's the same story with getting "dispensing" from "dispensation".