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Old 10-20-2022, 12:56 AM   #26
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Default Re: Infallibiliy of the Bible?

Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner View Post
Actually, no need to cancel me, I’m cancelling myself. Goodbye to Ohio, GlorytoGod, and others who at least tried to accommodate other views.


Take a step back and reconsider! Remember you and I can't possibly understand the affect we are having because we don't see everything as we would like too. The answers you are recieving show evidence of your affect. You are shaking what some thought to be solid ground. Disturbia is a good thing but it works both ways in those who can't see all things.
Trust God my friend...
Walk by faith like so many others did before you and defend the faith!

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
**2 Corinthians‬ *10:5‬ *NIV‬‬

Peace like a river...

Last edited by manna-man; 10-20-2022 at 02:57 AM. Reason: Typo!
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