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Old 10-17-2022, 03:40 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 361
Default Re: Infallibiliy of the Bible?

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
We all heard WL's opinion that the book of James should not be in the Bible...was he right?
No, the whole premise for his argument is the opening lines of the letter. James writes to the 12 tribes and witness Lee says he didn’t see the full vision of the gentiles also being grafted in (I’m paraphrasing). James wrote this letter before what is known as the Council in Jerusalem which occurs in Acts 15. The early church was still learning, and that council is an example of the learnings. It settled the pondering question of, do gentiles need to become Jews to be Christians.

Also, James didn’t receive the vision that Peter received in Acts 10 which was one of the main components to the acts 15 decision.

Just because James addresses just the Jews and not the gentiles is a weak argument and in my opinion doesn’t discredit the rest of the book.

James didn’t fit into the God’s Economy framework WL interpreted the Bible from, which is in hindsight a red flag. If your predisposed box you try to fit the Bible into doesn’t fit the Bible, maybe the box is wrong.
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