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Old 10-17-2022, 08:51 AM   #114
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Default Re: No Place Like Hell

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
At the risk of sounding a bit flippant (UntoHim flippant...say it ain't so!) what renowned, reputable seminary or school of higher learning did you hear that "The job of the canonizers was to identify and remove Greek-influenced texts from the Bible"?

So I'm guessing you subscribe to the Thomas Jefferson view of the Scriptures....simply pull out your trusty razor and scissors and cut out the parts that you don't like. Timotheist, do you realize how dangerous this sounds? Where do you get off telling us what "probably should have been discarded"? I would expect much more cautious and temperate things from you.

Yes, some of the Jews were influenced by the Greco-Roman/Hellenistic culture and society around them, but do you really think that God would chose those who were most influenced, or those who were lest influenced to produce the Scriptures? Think about that.
Dear brother Untohim,

It could be said that the renowned schools that you refer too and prolific teachers like Darby and others had a profound effect on the steering/teaching and adding to the gospel narrative.
(Such as the word hell and the imagery it paints on/in the brain...)

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