Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Ya know, I appreciated this - thanks for posting! In reading various and considering the disposition of souls after physical death a bit, this seems to sum things up best for me - whatever "hell" is, it won't be good and is to be avoided at all costs! This instance of Lazarus and the rich man is a good example of that. I often tend to pick apart scriptural stories like this trying and find some "deeper meaning." But right on the surface is perhaps the main thing - there will be just retribution and it won't be pleasant at all!
And after reading the book I mentioned before on the subject (dare I say a seminal work by Steve Gregg?), I also have a much more nuanced view of hell than the commonly held traditional view of eternal, conscious torment idea I held before. So there are passages about souls perishing that seem to suggest total annihilation, and other places where it seems there is some additional chance given, and of course places where the lake of fire is given as a final destiny. So which of these views is correct? I suspect all three may be to some degree . . . in any case I know the scriptures are true - it's just our understanding that is short of clarity.
And I do know that no one will be able to point a finger at God and accuse Him of handling souls unrighteously. So is it annihilation or universalism or eternal torment or a compination of these? Hard to say for sure, but this I know, He loves us and HE'S GOT THIS!
(BTW - I'm coming to think that total universalism is definitely taking things too far, as there are clearly at least some who wind-up in the lake of fire. And if annhilation is the final solution for some souls, what did the ones who deserve eternal torment do to receive that instead of being annhilated? This is way above my pay grade I think . . .)
It's not above your pay grade. That's an excuse for not making a decision. We were brave enough to make a decision on the LC and we acted on that decision and left it.
Could it be some are afraid to discern good from evil?
Are we afraid to speak what is true?
Peace to you STG!