Look at today's society. There is no cold, heat, summer, winter, day, or night. The people who attend the night clubs make the night day and the day night. Because they do not have the proper life, they are under the curse. In the church, we must have the proper life under God's blessing. Unlike us, people are not used to the church life. We who are used to the church life are truly under God's blessing, not only spiritually and mentally, but even physically. All of the church people are so healthy because they are under God's blessing through the church life.
Most young women are sick either emotionally or mentally. No psychiatrist can help them. However, if you live the church life, the very Christ whom you offer to God will heal you. He is better than any psychiatrist. Do not go to a psychiatrist—come to Christ and offer Him to God. Then you will be healthy, sober, and emotionally balanced. Since the church life is the proper life, it brings in God's blessing. Peace, joy, love, sympathy, kindness, normal living—all are signs of such a blessing of life which comes by the experience of Christ through the cross.
I will rewrite this quote, to actually be truthful and Biblical.
“Look at today’s society. There is no cold, heat, summer, winter, day, or night. The people who attend the night clubs make the night day and the day night. Because they do not know Jesus, they live under the control and the power of this world. However, people who live under the deception of man in the “church life”, suffering from living under the cursed system, have no blessings in any way, not spiritually, not mentally, and it shows up even in the physical. The people in the church life, are so unable to see these things, that it’s easier to go and talk to a person at night clubs, and in the society.
Most young men an women, who came through the local church have issues, as a result of it, mentally and emotionally. No one in the local church can help them! No church life, no special offering of Christ to God has been able to do anything, but further exacerbate the problems. Although Christ is way better than any psychiatrist, and can by His mighty hand do a miracle in a persons life and set them free, sometimes just a human intervention is necessary just to stop the damage and destruction done by the local church. Sometimes by allowing other true Christian’s to show people of the local church peace, joy, love, sympathy, kindness, and normal living, they might get to know real church and the real Jesus. They will experience the blessings in life that they never had or will as a members of the local church”