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Old 10-11-2022, 08:36 PM   #146
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by gr8ful View Post
The dissection of the true significance of 1 Tim 1:3-4 in "The Lord's Recovery Unchained" YouTube series helped set aside the peculiar-to-Lee teaching of "God's Economy," which has no basis in truth. Seeing "God's Economy" as Lee does is simply a grammatical mistake.

After 30+ years of being invested in studying the details of Lee's private interpretation of oikonomia, I'm fully freed from this odd teaching that not even Nee had.
That's amazing. It's wonderful to be freed again and again after being in a place that put so many unbiblical demands on us and so many unscriptural teachings in our heads! Just like when Christ came He freed so many sick, suffering, and oppressed people from what they were bound by, and just as He targeted the Pharisees for laying ubiblical burdens on people's shoulders, so He still wants us to continue to be freed from these kinds of things.

I agree it was a good video, and it changed what I had loosely cobbled together about what I thought God's economy was. Going to the Greek grammar to show that Lee was totally wrong to use God's economy as a "teach only this or else you are divisive" thing, and then going to all the instances of "oikonomia" in Greek to see what the Bible means by it in context basically blows the entirety of Lee's version of it apart. The Bible said one thing and Witness Lee said it meant this completely different thing. And yet so many saints in the local church have total allegiance to the teaching without even having the basic latitude to verify if it's true or not.

I pray all these voices speaking out publicly online these past few years would have a cumulative impact on those in the local church.

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