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Old 10-11-2022, 03:57 PM   #84
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 273
Default Re: No Place Like Hell

Originally Posted by Timotheist View Post
This is a snippet from a pretty long article I wrote some number of years ago:

The Three Degrees of Torment

The torment of Hades, the weeping in the Outer Darkness, and the eternal Lake of Fire seem to refer to similar things, but separated in time:
1. Hades -- Refers to the time between death and resurrection.

2. The Outer Darkness -- Refers to the time between the first resurrection and the final judgment after the second resurrection. Thus, this imprisonment will be during the Millennial Kingdom.

3. The Lake of Fire -- The ultimate judgment of the unsaved.
Not only is there a difference in time, but there is also a difference in the degree of punishment.

Just throwing it out there for comments/potshots

Good insight. In the end, establishing the accurate timeline solves all kinds of problems. Similar to “prophetic telescoping,” the problem many OT prophets had in forseeing Messiah by mixing up the two comings of Christ.
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