Originally Posted by Unregistered
Hello Ohio, I could not find on this site in the posts that I read, any kind of bullet point presentation of your final findings and conclusions regarding all of the “GOOD” that you have taken with you from your days in the glorious church life.
This inquiry makes me laugh. There are literally millions of positive things I took from my time in the church life, some of which was indeed "glorious." But
UntoHim would respond that each of these could be obtained outside the Recovery, and he is right. No argument here. But let's look at one specific topic recently mentioned by
Originally Posted by Trapped
The video on handling abuse and covering gross sins is still making me shake my head in wonder.
1. King David committed murder and adultery, and Witness Lee actually teaches that David's son was killed because the son dared rebel against a deputy authority who committed these gross sins (as if God protects and supports leaders who kill and cheat?
2. People read this in the ministry and say "whoa, this ministry teaches that leaders' gross sins should be covered! That's not okay!"
This abusive and heretical LC teaching has been called
Deputy Authority. I once subscribed to this, thinking the Bible taught it. (
At the time I had no idea what actual abuses were being covered up by this teaching.) Then I left the LC and researched this matter. Growing up in Catholicism, this teaching was called the
Infallibility of the Pope. The Exclusive Brethren also had their own version of this. It's just an ancient evil repackaged for consumption by LSM.
This evil teaching opens the door for all sorts of evil and corruption to enter. Untold numbers of books have been written about leadership abuses of just these 3 denominational systems. Using mainly Noah and Moses for justification, this teaching gives nearly unlimited license to leaders, basically elevating them above the law. The Bible, however, exposes all, including David and Peter, two prominent figures of the Old and New Testaments. I unequivocally reject this teaching, as does scripture.
Does this example help?