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Old 10-10-2022, 10:05 AM   #144
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

The video on handling abuse and covering gross sins (here: is still making me shake my head in wonder.


1. King David committed murder and adultery, and Witness Lee actually teaches that David's son was killed because the son dared rebel against a deputy authority who committed these gross sins (as if God protects and supports leaders who kill and cheat? and never mind that's not what the Bible says about why his son was killed)

2. People read this in the ministry and say "whoa, this ministry teaches that leaders' gross sins should be covered! That's not okay!"

3. The co-workers respond, "Witness Lee never taught that in the Life Study! YOU are abusing his ministry!"

4. Even though it is there for all to see in the Life Study that Witness Lee really did teach this and Witness Lee is the one misrepresenting the Bible!

5. And now we've got more than one layer of lies. But their own sick system means that anyone who stands up and shows the co-workers are liars will THEMSELVES be considered to be "exposing sins of deputy authority" and so the truth tellers are put in the position of standing against God's threats on their life (as taught by the ministry) or not doing anything and letting what has become MULTIPLE LAYERS of lies go unchallenged! Not to mention the victims from the initial lie are still going unsupported and uncared for!

When the Bible says things like "systems of error", boy, it sure know what it's talking about doesn't it?!

The co-workers are not some space cadets who are just blissfully ignorant. They are totally constituted with Witness Lee's ministry and yet publicly lie about what THEY KNOW IT SAYS to the very people who also know what his ministry says!

It's mind spinning.

(Oh, but don't worry, they have another lie for that -- just get out of your mind! Then everything, including all their lies, will be okay!) Unbelievable!

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