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Old 10-10-2022, 09:07 AM   #143
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

Ohio, he/she didn't complain about you posting too much, he was merely making an observation, and was also wondering why after all those posts it was kind of hard to understand where you're coming from. Maybe given a little more time he'll catch on.

Yes, you posted some scriptures in your "rebuttal", but for the most part it was difficult to link the scriptures you posted to the points you were making. I tried to point this out to you in my rebuttal to your rebuttal in post #135
Ok, without more info, I don’t know whether “unregistered” was a single he, single she, or multiple posters. So I do think it’s kind of cowardly to post that way, kind of like yelling from a crowd of masked protesters.

I don’t think any of my comments were “hard to understand where I’m coming from.” I have repeatedly voiced my concerns about past members who have left the faith when they departed from the LC. Hence all my comments about testing, discerning, and clinging to the faith and the word of God. Isn’t that our common mission here on the forum, brother, to have a healthy Christian walk post-LC?

Jesus warned His disciples to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” Did they lecture Jesus about how difficult it was to separate leaven from flour? Why do you think Jesus would say this to the apostles? I admit Jesus’ comments here are not simplistic, but I personally think His instruction is important for all of us leaving abusive, legalistic systems. This line of reasoning and testing has helped me and others in the past.

I have said a lot more along these lines in my past posts. Perhaps my posts were too brief to properly be understood. Perhaps my “short, quick, living, to the point,” posts need more explanation at times. What do you think? I admit that I prefer many short posts to fewer lengthy posts, but both have drawbacks.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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