Originally Posted by Trapped
Almost nothing could convince me more that Witness Lee absolutely had no idea what he was talking about. It is beyond my comprehension that anyone would consider this joker some kind of wise guru or man of God. What a waste of my childhood.
Maybe a WL apologist/coworker would argue that "he said this a while ago, this was the prevailing thought at the time". My response would be - then publish retractions or updates where you acknowledge his prior teachings were wrong and extremely damaging, repent for the hurt it caused people, and admit you have no expertise on the matter, and point people to actual experts rather than telling them to keep reading Witness Lee only.
What I wouldn't give to be able to go back in time and stand up in a conference where Witness Lee was speaking and oppose his lies to his face.
Workers at DCP who read this forum - you have no excuse before God if you continue to defend and propagate this type of sewage. And if you think that what Lee taught in this excerpt is true, then you also have no clue what you are talking about either.
Good points.
In addition, Lee's failed "ministry"
causes emotional problems. Then he blames and accuses those who develop "emotional problems" of having "emotional problems." The co-workers can't repent and retract and change. Why? They are deceived.