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Old 10-09-2022, 11:58 AM   #140
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I guess I should have expected this non-answer “answer”, if I can put it in those terms. I have seen this methods for years, you take a shot at someone and when they ask you to explain yourself, you just say “let’s pray about it, it’s all about the members, or the body” as we all have heard many times. The blended are the pros at this systematic practice. I won’t persist, I’ll just know this for future references.

I will say this though, I’m all about praying for people. However, as I have stated in both of my previous posts, I pray that the members of the local church actually seek real living God FIRST AND FOREMOST. That they actually get to know real Jesus, and all those things that you mentioned will manifest themselves after that. I believe it’s the lives of people that need changes, not behavior modification, and or “intrinsic metabolic changes” that we have been lied about and told to believe for years! It’s the hearts that need to be changed not metabolism! It’s spiritual, and not physical or biological!
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