Originally Posted by Ohio
Sorry I don't agree with this at all. Let me cite my reasons.
- The Bible tells us to "Test all things, hold on to the good." (I Thess 5.21) Discarding all things forces us to also discard the good.
- The Bible continually cites the need for discernment and wisdom, even the wisdom found in a multitude of counselors. (Proverbs 11.14; 15.22)
- Evaluating what is good and what is worthless helps us grow in Christ. (Heb 5.14)
- A wise Christian counselor suggested the practice of "treasure hunting" to his clients. Since God has allowed all the arrangements in our life, (Romans 8.28) even in bad situations, we should hunt for the "treasures" that God has provided for our good.
- Even though the Jewish leaders had Jesus killed, He never condemned the religion they received from Moses. Instead He told the disciples to "beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." (Luke 12.1-2) Jesus continually taught them to discern what was from God, and what was the hypocrisy of men.
- Many sincere believers have discarded "faith and a good conscience" (I Timothy 1.19) when they left the LC. I think this is the greatest tragedy of all.
- Perhaps what you have learned from your time in the LC, you could now help others in the same situation.
Hello Ohio,
I apologize for a delayed response to your “rebuttal”, although I did see it earlier in the week. To be totally honest, I didn’t write those comments for it to make it to the front page. I just shared something that was on my heart that day, with hope that maybe God can use it however He wants. Maybe somebody finds it useful and helpful. So I’ll say that I’m not in control of this forum to make it a featured post, but whoever made that call, I pray it’s for His glory!
Regarding your points of contention:
I didn’t want to pull a quick trigger there, and just write something without doing a bit of research on what you have posted here before. I needed some background of your work, so that I would kind of get an idea of where you coming from. To my surprise, I didn’t realize that there are 13500+ posts to review or almost 15% of (94400+) posts ever published on this site. 😳 So after some basic review, I figured I should just probably ask you the questions I had, since I wasn’t able to locate those answers.
1. Since it looks like you have had plenty of time and testing to “make sense of the Recovery”, have you actually made a clear decision about it? Or you have one foot in and one foot out, playing a good cop / bad cop depending on the topic?
2. You have stated things like discernment, wisdom, treasure hunting, and that “Jesus gave warning about leaven”. Serious question: have you ever tried to separate leaven from the lump of dough? Do you know that it’s impossible to do as soon as it becomes part of the mixture, which includes perfectly clean and great ingredients? I guess if you have become a spiritual scientist that’s capable of doing something that’s impossible to do, then more power to you. I guess all I can tell you is “happy hunting”, hope you have enough wisdom NOT to take a bite of something that’s “leavened” by both man of the local church, which I don’t believe exist. I for one, took a different route, which I stated in my previous post. It has been the biggest blessing in my life since! There is a huge difference between having the maturity to discern the difference between good and evil vs eating worthless, useless nonsense full of inventions with hope to “finding a treasure”.
3. I could not find on this site in the posts that I read, any kind of bullet point presentation of your final findings and conclusions regarding all of the “GOOD” that you have taken with you from your days in the glorious church life. Is that something that you can write up? I would truly appreciate your input, since maybe it’s just me who has blindly thrown away everything that I had received from it. Maybe you could provide some light to my darkness.
4. I appreciate UntoHim for pointing this out in his reply, that I actually did say to love the people and show them True Living God. Most people in the local church never had a chance to get to know Him, let alone experience what true unconditional love and grace are. Also as pointed out by UntoHim, I believe that the Local church preaches different jesus, different gospel, and it’s a total kingdom of men. So maybe it’s sounds harsh and provocative, but I will never be moved from this belief, after years and years of miserable existence, under this hegemony of men! Obviously a lot of those people that only knew the jesus of the local church, sure suffered a great shipwreck, because if you keep hitting your head on a concrete wall that’s lifeless, has no compassion, no love and care, there is only one thing that will experience damage in that exchange, and it’s not the wall! After all of the time I spent there, I can freely state, that the processed jesus of the local church, DOES NOT EXIST!