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Old 10-05-2022, 07:43 PM   #55
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 273
Default Re: No Place Like Hell

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Whew! Caught me by surprise there. It was TC years ago who happened to bemoan the fact.

Apparently as Exclusivism "matures," it becomes increasingly incompatible with evangelism. Happened to the Brethren also. I came across this sad fact while reading the Foreward of The Macintosh Treasury by W.M.Smith, "A Word Concerning the Author." Take a look if you come across it some time.
Perhaps I misread the spirit of your previous post. Mea culpa. I think it’s probably true what you’re saying. I do know that the LC I lived through was strong on evangelism, stronger than I felt comfortable with often. I did the gospel robes once. I was very uncomfortable. I did the door to door. Baptized 9 in their homes. Led many others in prayer. Had the cops called on me twice. I was always uncomfortable. But I did these things. In the end, the ones we were able to bring into our gathering almost all came from normal human relationships. Friends. Relatives. Coworkers.

Today the LCs are in such a weakened state I’m not sure how much evangelism is going on.

Sorry if I misread your post. I’ll take a look at the book, if I can find it.
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