Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
I've mentioned this book about the 3 views of hell (by Steve Gregg) a couple times, but no one seems interested. I'll mention it just one more time, as I really thought it did a great job of diving deep into the subject of hell. All the things we've been bringing up in this thread, and much more, are addressed. And I think he goes about it in a really rational way, parsing the various scriptures on the subject. Even though it is a thorough book, I found it a fascinating read that kept me quite engaged.
In an appendix, he does very detailed charts on the 3 views (traditional, annihilation, universalism), giving side-by-side cross-examination and rebuttal to numerous points in each view.

There's a lot out there....
I'll check it out...ok. found plenty on what Steve Gregg believes on YouTube...
Watching a video on Hell now. I'll post a link...
He uses the word seems alot yet he believes in the traditiinal doctrine on hell.
I'll dig deeper..