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Old 10-01-2022, 09:55 AM   #122
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Thanks Trapped for your replies and points. I started doing some more digging, even on this site and I found a few helpful threads. I don’t feel like getting involved with the way these conversations are happening, so if someone is looking for more resources, looks like a lot of this has already been discussed here on this site.

Thanks all.

Good vs Lee’s Thee’s

Jesus Christ = The tree of Life

Lee's "Economy" and the Fall

Also found this post by UntoHim to be totally on point, and made me laugh at all the LC people who say lies like this.

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
As posted on ContendingForTheFaith.Org.

This was originally published around 1977 as a pamphlet for Local Church members to give to inquiring Christians and the general public. Some the questions and answers were no doubt meant to be a rebuttal of sorts to the questions and concerns raised by the original Bible Answer Man, Dr. Walter Martin.


Who is your leader?
Our unique leader is Christ. We have no official, permanent, organized human leadership. Furthermore, there is no hierarchy of any kind and no worldwide leader. We regard no person as infallible, and we do not follow anyone blindly. On the contrary, we follow only those whose teaching and practice is in accordance with the truth of God’s Word. Those who take the lead do not lord it over the saints, but rather shepherd them in love. Likewise, those who serve the Lord do not control the churches, but rather serve them as bondslaves of Christ in the ministry of the living Word.

Where is your headquarters?
Each local church is autonomous in its administration. Therefore, there is no central headquarters. No particular local church should be regarded as the head church or leading church. On the contrary, all the local churches share the same standing before the Lord.

We have no official, permanent, organized human leadership.
If this wasn't so sad and tragic, it would be Nee slapping funny! Anyone who was in the Local Church for more than a few weeks found out that Witness Lee was just about as official and permanent of a leader as one could get. In fact, accepting Witness Lee's authority and ministry became "indispensable" to any elder and/or co-worker, and by extension, all the rank-and-file members as well. God have mercy

No central headquarters? Really guys? If the LSM training/conference/printing/communications digs there at 2431 W. La Palma Ave in Anaheim is not the headquarters of the Local Church of Witness Lee, then there is no such thing as headquarters! Check out the LSM 990 form from 2018. NET ASSETS OF $100,000,000.

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