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Old 10-01-2022, 08:49 AM   #119
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 273
Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

A leading brother from outside our locality a while ago asked me concerning another brother -- let's call him Brother L -- who was meeting with us, "Yeah, Brother L's okay but does he know life?" Brother L was very weak in Bible knowledge and completely ignorant of LR theology. The question really annoyed me but I chewed on it for weeks.

During my ruminations I recalled this: One Lord's Day before a meeting Brother L came up to me and said, "Could we avoid talking about being a preterist today? Because I'm worried about Brother S getting offended." Context: we were going through Daniel and the topic of Preterism (believing the events described in Revelation already happened in the first century) had come up. Brother S, who had a Phd. in theology, had said in a previous meeting, "I just discovered Preterism. Why was I not taught this in seminary?" He was going through some thorough re-thinking of his past positions. Brother L didn't really understand Preterism, he just wanted to avoid controversy and wanted to keep Brother S among us.

Is that not knowing life? I say yes. I think the LR turned this honestly important topic of knowing life into a dead metric. It isn't that we shouldn't think about knowing life, having life, receiving life, eating from the tree of life, it's that we would actually do those things instead of catchecizing tem into a dead corpse of dogma.
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