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Old 09-30-2022, 12:12 PM   #89
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by Cal View Post
Question: Why do LR people talk about "growing in life" but almost never talk about getting to know God? Why do they say "that brother really knows life," but don't say "that brother really knows the Lord?"
This doesn't answer your question, but I have heard anecdotally that when Lee passed, there was a meeting of the co-workers (you know, "Brother We") where they were trying to decide what direction to take "the Lord's recovery", or what to emphasize or focus on.

One brother wanted to focus on love. Ron Kangas wanted to emphasize life.

Ron won out.

Love lost and life won.

And it shows.

"Life" or "knowing life" or "the sense of life" in the local church is just group code-speak for "submitting to the unspoken legalistic rules in the church life". It doesn't usually mean the Lord at all.

Having gone back and re-watched one of the other two trees videos yesterday, I was struck with the point that noted that Watchman Nee taught we need to pay attention to whether "the life in us increases or decreases" as a determiner of right or wrong, and the narrator made the point that the Bible doesn't talk about life increasing or decreasing in us, but instead says "if you the Son, YOU HAVE THE LIFE". You have it. It doesn't come and go. If you have Him, you have it!

It's almost as if their salvation is subtly not secure, even though they overtly teach it is.
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