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Old 09-30-2022, 10:11 AM   #79
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Hey, SC. Did you ever consider that eating wrongly and disobeying are the same thing? I'm not saying this in terms of law, but in terms of the NT reality that the word (in its essential meaning) and the Spirit are basically the same thing.

Where we get off is separating the two, usually by getting so hung up on some interpretation that we leave the Spirit, not to mention humility. Eventually knowing God is life. Life is not separate from knowing God. The LR pushed life so much that they effectively separated it from the person and mind of God.

Each of us must get to know God ourselves. A problem I saw with the LR mindset is this need for everyone to agree on what the best interpretation of things are. I don't think that is necessary, will probably never happen and seeking it and especially pushing it can be destructive. I would say just find what makes sense to you, share it in love and let the Lord worry about what sticks and what doesn't. You might help others and they might help you. We never know for sure which will happen.

Yeah, yeah. WL was brilliant. He was also narcissistic, don't forget.

Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner View Post
I'm willing to admit I disagree with Lee on a few minor points in his exegesis of the Eden story. I've already mentioned one: his failure to denote Eve's addition to God's command of "not to touch" the TOK. But in the main, I'm with him. I think the tree of life is the center -- the most meaningful item aside from Adam and Eve themselves in Eden. And I think Lee's view that it was eating wrongly, not disobeying, that is the real problem in the Fall is spot on. The video vehemently disagrees with this and I think they're wrong. The narrator really is just promoting the law, in my view. And boringly so. His takedown to me is very tedious and unenlightening. Along with that, I think Lee's illustration of the problem of a child drinking poison being what he ingested far more than his disobedience is a BRILLIANT analogy. Stunningly brilliant even if you disagree with his use of it.
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