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Old 09-29-2022, 05:59 PM   #71
Join Date: Jul 2020
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by GraceAlone View Post
Moving on but not too far afield, I thought I’d just share how much I appreciated Two Trees Video #3. Particularly, I appreciated the articulation of how crippling the fear of death behind good can be. Once I shook loose of that teaching, I have found it so freeing and full of blessing to be able to simply practice Jesus’ command to love my neighbor without constantly second-guessing myself, wondering if I’m on the wrong tree, etc. I have noticed that many of the dear brothers and sisters in the LC seem so afraid to do obvious things like helping the poor, visiting the sick, etc. even though they are clearly commanded in Scripture. The excuse is that it’s “not God’s economy.“ I can’t help but think that I wasn’t the only one for whom that was just code for “not my comfort zone.” Now I have no excuse, so I have to discern the Holy Spirit’s leading (lest I try to be all things to all people). I’m being stretched in various ways, but it’s a joy to simply trust and obey.
GraceAlone, I echo this appreciation. It was Video #3 that prompted me to declare I was freed from the bondage of the fear of GOOD, and also the presumption that EVIL might be life. And, more subtly, freed from doubting that speaking up to defend others might be against LIFE. Of course, I am nothing without God on my own, but the perniciousness of the quasi-biblical teaching of the Two Trees is a non-essential teaching we can use or discard as true believers.
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