Originally Posted by Trapped
The Bible doesn't say man was placed before one tree or before two trees. The Bible says man was placed in a garden. Are you able to admit that Witness Lee was wrong?
I'm willing to admit I disagree with Lee on a few minor points in his exegesis of the Eden story. I've already mentioned one: his failure to denote Eve's addition to God's command of "not to touch" the TOK. But in the main, I'm with him. I think the tree of life is the center -- the most meaningful item aside from Adam and Eve themselves in Eden. And I think Lee's view that it was eating wrongly, not disobeying, that is the real problem in the Fall is spot on. The video vehemently disagrees with this and I think they're wrong. The narrator really is just promoting the law, in my view. And boringly so. His takedown to me is very tedious and unenlightening. Along with that, I think Lee's illustration of the problem of a child drinking poison being what he ingested far more than his disobedience is a BRILLIANT analogy. Stunningly brlliiant even if you disagree with his use of it.