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Old 09-28-2022, 07:29 PM   #50
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner View Post
Actually, the narrator’s position is not perfectly clear. He is claiming Lee has excluded the tree of knowledge from the center of the garden but Lee never said that, at least as far as I know or the narrator pointed out. Instead, Lee says in other works that Adam stood before both trees clearly implying they were together. The narrator is being deceptive about Lees position.
Also, at the 10:15 mark the narrator explicitly speaks about Lee saying that God put man before two trees and shows a ministry quote on the screen that says just that. The video doesn't hide it at all. How is it deceptive that he literally included what you try to say that he is hiding??

Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner View Post
Lee mentions only the tree of life at the center because that supports his view that the tree of life is the center of God’s plan.
Yeah....that's the problem. Lee is presenting half-truths to support his view. That is the exquisite problem of Witness Lee's ministry.

Lee was wrong. As Zezima noted, "Witness Lee says the ToL is the center of the universe because it is the center of the garden. However, the TOKGAE is also at the center of the garden according to the bible."

Lee claimed God "charged man to eat the right tree". He said this explicitly. He is literally teaching that God said things God did not say.

Is the tree of life the center of God's plan? Because if it was, we should see something where God told man to eat of it, to eat of it only, and to eat of it quickly. But what we see is that it was what God took away when man sinned. The center theme in these chapters is not "eat the right tree", it's "I am serious about obeying my reasonable commands."

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