Originally Posted by zeek
The narrator's next sentence is "The truth is that both trees and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life were in the center or were the center" thus making his meaning in the sentence you quoted perfectly clear without adding anything to what he said.
Are you perhaps not ready to accept that Witness Lee could have been wrong?
Actually, the narrator’s position is not perfectly clear. He is claiming Lee has excluded the tree of knowledge from the center of the garden but Lee never said that, at least as far as I know or the narrator pointed out. Instead, Lee says in other works that Adam stood before both trees clearly implying they were together. The narrator is being deceptive about Lees position. Lee mentions only the tree of life at the center because that supports his view that the tree of life is the center of God’s plan.
As for whether or not I’m willing to admit Lee may have been wrong I can assure you, I am not a Lee-ite. Several of my dear friends wish I were. He influenced me greatly and I feel indebted to him but I have real issues with some of what he taught.