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Old 09-28-2022, 03:54 PM   #46
Join Date: Jul 2021
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Default Re: The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner View Post
It is true, indisputably and undeniably, that the tree of life is in the center of the garden according to the scripture.
It may also be true the tree of knowledge of good and evil is there (and this is debated throughout Jewish and Christian literature).
It is true, indisputably and undeniably, that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is in the center of the garden according to the scripture.

He is telling us that it’s a false teaching to say the tree of life is in the center of the garden because there is another tree possibly next to it.
The same bible that you are using as your authority to defend the argument of the ToL's location in the Garden, says that the TOKGAE is in the same location. Yet you don't accept that authority when it comes to the location TOKGAE, you say "It May" "Possibly".

Taking select portions of the bible as the foundation to build a case is exactly what these videos are exposing. Witness lee takes a portion of a verse in Genesis and builds an entire doctrine around that portion.

The majority of doctrinal pillars in the Lord's Recovery are built upon similar foundations, yet presented as THE truth. However, when you hold them up to what the biblical text says, the doctrines are often found wanting.

Witness Lee says the ToL is the center of the universe because it is the center of the garden. However, the TOKGAE is also at the center of the garden according to the bible. Does this mean that the TOKGAE is also the center of the universe? Why isn't the TOKGAE the center of the universe?

It's not incorrect to say the ToL is the center of the garden, but it's only a half-truth, as shown in the Bible. It's disingenuous to pick and choose when you're going to apply the bible as your source of truth. If a doctrine doesn't match up to what the biblical text says in full, do you follow the biblical text or do you try to fit the text into your doctrine? I think many in the LR fit the text into the doctrine, and many who have left are deconstructing the foundation these doctrines were built upon.
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