Originally Posted by Nell
Sorry to hear that Zeek...but...
We have a Mission Statement and Rules for a reason. We're adults here, I think. We're Christians here, I think. We believe that Local Church Discussions should be a safe place to communicate with whoever happens to stop by. We're not here to indulge disrespectful discourse. Without respect, communication does not take place.
Many who stop by are, or may be, hurting from the damage foisted upon them by others who did not respect their freedom to walk with the Lord.
Many of those who seek us out are guests who never post. They just read. These are first among the folks who I pray will benefit from an orderly forum for discussion. I pray these hurting souls will be helped when they discover they are not alone; that they are safe among Christians who want to tell the truth about their experiences; that help is available.
The desire here is to tell the truth about who our Lord is and how he came to save us from our sins. He also came to save us from ourselves...often a bigger lesson to learn.
Regardless, Zeek, you're welcome to speak your mind as the Lord leads. Hopefully you can continue to bear with my primitive moderation skills.
I do my best to abide by the rules. But, I wonder how safe the hurt ones will feel if you sarcastically label and smack them down in the name of "moderation" and delete their posts without explanation as you have done to others on this forum? This is the kind of "moderating" I would expect from Witness Lee and his minions, not from a forum that claims to provide an alternative.
Lee had to keep things tightly controlled to conform to the conception of his little ego. He wouldn't even allow members to question his teaching. "The Lord's Recovery Unchained" has demonstrated that Lee's teaching can't stand up to close scrutiny. I would hate to see LCD succumb to the same mistake.