Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner
My point is that every single teaching or doctrine can be refuted in some way by opponents. Go to Wikipedia and witness it in real time. To decide if the LR and Lee’s teaching are faulty you need both sides presented in a debate format. Anything short of that is just an argument.
SpeakersCorner it's been said before that statistics, if tortured enough, will confess to anything. And the other day I heard someone say the same thing about Bible verses. It's true that if you cherry-pick your verses and gerrymander the context sufficiently, you can construct cases to support a wide variety of conflicting interpretations of Scripture.
But I count myself among those here who have been very impressed by the Recovery Unchained videos and don't see them as "just another opinion" but rather what they claim to be - a testing of different teachings against Scripture. In my perception, they do a good job of presenting a teaching in Lee's own (or in the Blended Brothers') words, showing it in context and in multiple publications where appropriate and in terms that anyone in TLR would recognize. What's so delightful (and embarrassing to those of us who internalized the teachings for so many years) is that a reading of the verses cited and a simple application of logic or grammar is often sufficient to unravel the whole thing. It's really not a debate about this view or that view; it's about whether the teaching makes sense in its own terms and with respect to the verses used to support it (or conveniently left out).
My "trigger moment" was a theological one related to the "Two Trees" doctrine. The Recovery Unchained videos on that topic (at least the first 2 I have watched, there are 5) are particularly good. I imagine if someone I trusted had pointed me to the videos during my struggling period, I would probably have seen my way to an exit sooner. I see the target audience as being those who have doubts and are struggling like I was.
@Nell we've gotten off the original topic, so maybe this belongs in the thread on the videos.