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Old 09-26-2022, 10:19 AM   #6
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Default Re: No Place Like Hell

The word hell never existed until new testament times.
If there is a hell then nobody dies. Death is a joke and there will be two types of life in eternity. This cannot be so. One life enjoying eternal bliss and the other eternal torment.

The scriptures are very clear. Read Ezekiel 18. The soul who sins shall die.(period)
The soul who turns and does what is right will be rewarded with eternal life.
Genesis..."Partake and you shall surely die."
People minimize death as if it's a cheat from responsility. This couldn't be further from the truth. To be lost in death is great loss!

Now...Let's get to the meat.

In Gods foreknowledge, plan to create beings which would eventually be tormented forever and ever? I'd have to argue that even mere humans have enough intellectual wisdom to understand the cruelty of such a judgement. This is exactly 360° opposite of what we learn of Him.
I'll pipe down for a bit but first I'll ask a question.
What kind of Monster do some believe?

Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find....
Judge God by no means! Question what bothers you!!!��

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