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Old 09-24-2022, 10:18 AM   #437
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Well, this is a massive thread, which is not surprising given that "God's economy" was almost Witness Lee's magnum opus. But I'll throw into the discussion mix here what was presented on God's economy on the YouTube channel "The Lord's Recovery Unchained", in this video here:

I won't reproduce all the details, but basically he makes a very compelling case from scripture that the economy of God is not God dispensing Himself or anything that Witness Lee said it was, but is actually "the stewardship that God gave to Paul to preach the gospel to the Gentiles". A responsibility entrusted to Paul that Paul carried out. I had previously concluded that the economy of God was some kind of way that the believers were supposed to relate to each other in the church, an overarching love, a sharing of possessions, etc, but the video goes through the context of all the times "oikonomia" is used in the New Testament, and it's pretty obvious it is the stewardship Paul was given to make the gospel known to the Gentiles.

I continue to be blown away just how far Witness Lee's teachings are from what the book he CLAIMS his teachings are based on actually says, and how much wasted brain space I have of those totally meaningless and useless teachings!!

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